So, I decided to head home to Atlanta for the weekend. I also brought home 4 suitcases full of clothes, which didn't even put a dent into the amount that is still sitting in my apartment. I have no clue where to put everything! As I was leaving Friday night, I had several people text me while I was in the car telling me that they were in Athens for the night, of course the one time I wasn't. I missed everyone! Hopefully next weekend will prove to be more of a reunion, but also one for goodbyes. Only 2 weeks left till I no longer live in Athens. That is all very strange to me after spending 4 years in the town that has meant so much to me. It will be visited often though. There is always football!

The Braves game was Saturday and also was a planned event for Amrit's 24th birthday. I arrived a little late to the tailgate since I needed to get my long run of the week in, which turned out to be 9 miles. I'm pleasantly surprised to have discovered that I could actually do it. When I got to the game, it was great to see Amrit since we hadn't hung out in over 2 years! have no idea where that time has gone. I also was in a mosh of about 50 Georgia Tech students or alums, so no calling of the Dawgs occurred. After some Budweiser in cans with the American flag wrapped around it, heavy koozie use, a DJ, cornhole, and one awesome hamburger, it was off to the game! I haven't been to one since April, and I was really missing just being in the atmosphere and seeing the stadium.

The Braves 10,000th win also occurred the day before, so cut into the grass of the outfield was 10,000. Unfortunately, the Braves couldn't pull out the 10,001 win while I was there, losing to the Nats. Our tickets were in the 755 Club, which I had never been in and was neat since you could walk around, go to the bar, and order more restaurant style food.After the game, the post-game show was the B52s, who are from Athens and also play one of my favorite songs, "Love Shack".
They were terrible live! Most people left after the first song. Somehow our group made it through most of the set before finally deciding it was time to head out and get to Cosmolava, the club/bar Amrit had organized for his birthday.
One of the other guys in the group and I drove there together and could not find Amrit. We grabbed a beer at another bar, then headed back to Cosmo for round 2 of finding him. I was in a sundress walking around a club, so I felt somewhat out of place, but Cosmo was huge and had some really great dancing. I'll take a second go-round there. After a long drive back, I finally got back home to Norcross around 3 to find my neighbors still enjoying their night by the pool. That was not what I had expected to come home to. I live in a quiet suburb neighborhood with lots of families and kids, including my neighbors. I guess old people need to have fun every once in a while too.
Today is my brother's 20th birthday! I was going to get him concert tickets to Kid Cudi this week, but he is working unfortunately, so back to the drawing board. I really wanted to bake something in my mom's kitchen, with her KitchenAid mixer, Electrolux oven, garbage disposal, and newly installed granite countertops. It is so nice actually having space to make a mess! The recipe for the icing comes from
here, but I decided to make flowers to celebrate the awesome summer Georgia weather, which I am sure will be short lived when it hits 100 degrees again next week. Enjoying it while I can.

Now playing: Keke Palmer
"Bottoms Up" . So olldddd. It reminds me of the summer back in Norcross after my first year in college with Darwin, Minal, Duane, and Heather ("I'm Bossy"), and driving my Tahoe.